Jennifer DeRossi-daCosta, RN, BSN
Jennifer DeRossi-daCosta, RN, BSN is a Registered Nurse in MA and RI. She is a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) and a Certified Diabetes Outpatient Educator (CDOE). For the past 25 years, Jennifer has worked in Diabetes Programs providing education to adults with Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes, in an outpatient environment. She is experienced in both the classroom and one to one setting. She has helped develop the curriculum, educational tools and policies used today. She also is the Program and quality coordinator of the Diabetes Care and Education Program at CNE; Jenn was responsible for the AADE accreditation of the program in 2020. Her special interests are insulin pump therapy, continuous glucose monitors and diabetes in pregnancy. She will support the fellowship in its focus on diabetes education, devices, and remote monitoring.